Our memberships include access to a personalized project and communication plan, a dedicated Project Manager and/or Personal Assistant, 24/7 remote after-hours support, regular one-on-one check-ins by emails, phone calls, or texts, and more! 

Starting at $1,000 per month, our memberships are guaranteed to help you master the opportunity cost of your time to make you the most productive version of yourself. If you don’t see what you are looking for, please contact us for a customized membership plan.


  • Property Size up to:
  • Unlimited sq.ft.
  • On-Site visit(s) as needed per week:
  • 100% Remote Based
  • Check-in(s) by email, phone call, or text:
  • Monthly
  • Project Manager/Personal Assistant hours per month:
  • 10 Hours
  • 24/7 - Remote after-hours support per month:
  • 1 Hour
  • Additional Project Manager/Personal Assistant hour(s):
  • $120/Hour


  • Property Size up to:
  • 4,000 sq.ft.
  • On-Site visit(s) as needed per week:
  • 1 Day
  • Check-in(s) by email, phone call, or text:
  • Monthly
  • Project Manager/Personal Assistant hours per month:
  • 20 Hours
  • 24/7 - Remote after-hours support per month:
  • 2 Hours
  • Additional Project Manager/Personal Assistant hour(s):
  • $115/Hour


  • Property Size up to:
  • 8,000 sq.ft.
  • On-Site visit(s) as needed per week:
  • 3 Days
  • Check-in(s) by email, phone call, or text:
  • Weekly
  • Project Manager/Personal Assistant hours per month:
  • 40 Hours
  • 24/7 - Remote after-hours support per month:
  • 4 Hours
  • Additional Project Manager/Personal Assistant hour(s):
  • $105/Hour
  • FREE Accounts:
  • Lastpass.com Account: Password Management Software
  • Ninesliving.com Account: Household Management Software

We stand by our commitment to providing excellent services. Therefore, we have a risk-free, no minimum term, cancel anytime policy. Simply provide a 30-day notice of cancellation. It’s that simple!